And Nancy Pelosi! She had the utter gall to smirk at reporters as she drawled that we have reached day 185 of no jobs bill from the GOP controlled House, when we have also reached day EIGHT HUNDRED of no budget proposal whatsoever, which includes time when both the House and Senate were under Democrat control and they could have passed any kind of budget - tax increases and spending increases galore - and FAILED TO DO SO. And when asked recently, Harry Reid said he thought it would IRRESPONSIBLE of the Democrats to propose a budget at this time. Seriously?!? You jump all over Paul Ryan, subject him to any number of personal attacks, accuse him of trying to kill old people because he wants to OH NOES balance the budget and save Medicare, and you fail fail fail EVERY DAY to even propose a budget of your own!
Side note: It is NOT the responsibility of the government to create jobs. That is the responsibility of the private sector, which can actually provide sustainable long-term employment. The GOP understands this. It also understands that it cost $278 million for every job "created" by the stimulus package (which package, incidentally, also paid for the genius program where the US government sold assault weapons to Mexican drug cartels - because nothing could possibly go wrong there, right?). It's actually a good thing the House isn't trying to "create" jobs, Nancy. If you lived in any universe even remotely connected to reality you might understand that.

Never has that been more true. Speaker Boehner said today that we have three problems - a tax problem, a spending problem and a jobs problem. Those three are merely symptoms of our three real problems: a Pelosi problem, a Reid problem and an Obama problem.