Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I just want to go home.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The most disgusting bug I have ever seen tried to crawl in under the front door last night. I don't even know what it was.

Oliver wouldn't stop scratching at the door, so I went to see what his problem was and could see feelers of some kind twitching in under the door, which does not fit right in the frame. It creeped me out, a lot. I went and got the Raid, which is supposed to keep things out of the house and which I had sprayed liberally around the front door a few weeks ago. Then I opened the door, and this thing fell in. It looked like a worm with spikes, and it was writhing.

Oliver was fascinated. I was less so. I sprayed the threshold a lot and sprayed the thing and then I used the ice scraper sitting by the front door (don't ask) to fling the thing a good four or five feet. UGH GROSS ICK BLECH

I need a new door that fits. Of course, I need a new lots of things and have no money for any of it, so it all has to wait. In the meantime, I need a thicker kind of tape for my makeshift seal on the bottom of the front door. Maybe a cute color of duct tape. Oliver claws through the packing tape I use now.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I feel like I'm slowly losing everything and not only do I not know why, I'm not emotionally equipped to figure it out or fix it.