Saturday, May 30, 2009

Grandpa does not have cancer, thank goodness. He does have a growth they are watching, however. Dad's surgery apparently went well and he's on crutches now. Here's hoping he stays off his feet enough that his knee will heal. *sigh*

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My dad is having knee surgery tomorrow, and my grandfather might have pancreatic cancer, and my mom didn't think either one was something I needed to know. She was very "oh, by the way" about the cancer and STILL hasn't told me about the surgery. I found out about that from a sister.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just for Kamille *g*

I was a loner girl at the movies. I used to hate doing that, but now it's not a big deal, which is a good thing because otherwise I wouldn't go see the few movies I do catch in the theater. In some ways it's even easier.

I'd almost forgotten how much I adore Ewan in my overinvestment in Jared and Jensen, and then I started watching his bits on various talk shows and fell all over again. You should watch this video of him with Craig Ferguson. They're both seriously crazy Scots.

Friday, May 15, 2009

It was movie marathon weekend in my neck of the woods. First day off in two weeks was today, and I was able to be done and off early yesterday too, so I was lazy and did nothing but hang at the Stadium 10.

Well, not really. But almost. I saw Wolverine yesterday before choir practice and then went to Star Trek this afternoon and hit Angels & Demons at 6. They were all great, I enjoyed them immensely for different reasons, but I have to say Star Trek was by far my favorite of the three. I really wish I could have seen it with my dad. I can't wait to see it again.

Side note 1: Ewan McGregor makes EVERYTHING better. He's just gorgeous and I adore his acting, but adore his live appearances more. I went to England to see him live. Of course I wouldn't miss driving up the street to see him on the big screen. He was the best part of A&D.

Side note 2: The teenage boys sitting next to me in A&D were actually better behaved than the retired couple on my right during Star Trek. They waited until the movie was over to start acting like stupid kids and talking - the older guy spent pretty much the entire time explaining Star Trek to his wife. I was seriously not impressed.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I fail at being Supergirl today. Saturday I cased two routes, split one into two pieces and delivered the other, collected a LOT of food, took it to the drop off and unloaded it and got back to the office and cleaned up in 8 hours straight. I didn't take a lunch and so was able to leave at 3:30 instead of 4.

Today I cased two routes (one the same as Saturday, one not), split one into four pieces and delivered the other. Actually had one bag of food for the food drive, too. Had more mail - we had the money mailers today - but not a LOT more. I didn't get back to the office until 5, and that didn't include, obviously, the food bank stop. I did take half an hour for lunch, but still.

I hate Mondays.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm really kind of tired of having the ward expect me to be The Music Person, of being required to submit the music in advance, of being held responsible for planning it, and then having people do end runs around me to change things. I am tired of feeling stupid because no one tells me what the heck is going on. I am tired of having to just roll with it.

Seriously. Just keep me in the frickin' loop, people, it's not that hard. I am GLAD to turn things over to someone else for a song or two instead of doing the arm waving thing. I PROMISE.

I want to go back to the good old days when no one in the ward knew who I was, and I didn't have any jobs, and I sat in the very back and snuck out after Sacrament meeting.