Thursday, July 30, 2009

My mother called this morning to tell me that they're turning off the life support that I didn't know my aunt was on. Apparently she had a massive heart attack a few days ago precipitated by kidney failure and has been in a coma ever since. I can't help but wonder what my uncle will do without her. He's schizophrenic, and does fine as long as he stays on his meds, but I'm not sure how consistent he'll be without her there to monitor him. Doesn't quite seem fair, does it?

Friday, July 24, 2009

And now the IRS is after me. FAIL, LIFE. EPIC FAIL.

And the neighbor kids are running around screaming outside again. At least it's not ELEVEN O'CLOCK AT NIGHT LIKE USUAL.


I don't want to be a grown up any more. I just want to go back to hiding in my parents' basement.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I am an idiot, a procrastinator and a Daddy's girl

Waaaaaaaaaaay back in April, Dad told me that my car battery tested low and that it needed to be replaced. It's seven years old, so it's definitely long past time. At the time, I thought "I need to remember to get a new battery soon." Aaaaaand, I didn't.

Fast forward to this morning when my car completely and totally refused to start. RAR. I called my supervisor first, to tell him I'd be there as soon as I could, and then had NO IDEA what to do. At all. I thought of a cab, I thought about a rental. I did not, at that point, think about the battery. I had no idea how I was going to get to work. Then I remembered my friend Ryan from work telling me to call him if I needed anything, or offering to help me several times in the past. I called him, and he came to get me so I could go to work.

Then, while waiting for Ryan, I called my dad. Because of COURSE he can help from 300 miles away. *eyeroll* I ended up leaving him a rambling voicemail. I mentioned the battery (which I had finally remembered) and said I had no idea how to get it somewhere to get it fixed, that I'd probably have to have it towed. Then Ryan arrived and I went to work and when Dad called me back I said "hello" and he said "JOSLYN. You don't have the car TOWED for a battery. The tow would cost more than the battery!" He said a new battery would run anywhere from 50-100 bucks and that all I had to do was get a new one at Checker or somewhere similar and that they would help me get it put in. I told him Ryan had jumper cables.

After work, Ryan gave me a jump and I drove straight to Checker and, 90 dollars later, the guy put the battery in and the car is running just fine. The clock is brighter and I can even tell it has more juice now. It took less than twenty minutes from the jump to getting back home, and I even stopped at Wendy's for a salad.

The moral of the story is, change the frickin' battery in April.

Monday, July 20, 2009

I so rarely have something to say...

I hate having neighbors. I struggle to not hate my job. I am tired of having three church jobs but know myself well enough to know that if I didn't have to be there for Sacrament meeting I wouldn't go every week.

See? Nothing worth saying.

OH. BTW. Kamille is not a loser :P